Tuesday, November 24, 2009

grotto at Percé

We drove up a steep gravel road, walking up the last part to this natural formation. The statue of Mary is in a higher niche.

Special girl, special dress

Happy birthday, Claire

My grandaughter, wearing a dress my Mom made for my sister.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Congratulations, Katie & Luke

Katie and her proud Dad


Lucus and Katie with her bridal sunglasses

The proxy singer

First dance

Friends together

Even little brothers grow up

Katie with her mother and sister

Monday, May 25, 2009

We were at the University of Waterloo this past weekend. The ducks were less abundant, and this little gosling's relatives were everywhere.
They also leave abundant signs of their passing!However, we did spot a couple of ducks, and some spawning carp.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More pictures of the anniversary celebrations here.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anna and Rachel on the dock.

Anna, Johnathan, Alicia and Rachel and I took the canoe down to the village, for the first time this spring. It was a beautiful clear day, with a bit of wind, but not enough to be a problem. I'm still learning how to steer, so our path was not as straight as it should have been.

We saw two loons and a heron, and had the traditional Post ice cream cone.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

50 Anniversary

My father is holding the gift that their great grandchildren made for them. Between them, the four families prayed all 20 decades of the rosary, and each prayer became part of a rosary bouquet for their great Oma and Opa's anniversary.
I'm handing my mother a printout of the photo essay that we had just watched.
My brother John stands behind us with the bouquet of flowers we gave them.

We are blessed to have celebrated this special day with so many friends and relatives.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Victoria Day Weekend

Cousins enjoying an an ice cream
after taking a walk to The Post

Friday, May 15, 2009


My photo essay for my parent's anniversary is done.

It was one of those projects that developed a life of it's own, growing larger and developing side projects. With the Anniversary celebrations coming up this Sunday, the time has come to say, 'That will have to do'

If you are curious, it can be found here:


March for Life

It was a wet, gusty day, but the youthful crowd was upbeat and cheerful.
The showers, a minor obstacle, did not hinder the participants. As the marchers returned to Parliment Hill, the skies cleared and the sun came out. A symbol of the reward for persistence.